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Three Types of 5G Wireless Coverage

Three Types of 5G Wireless Coverage

Three Types of 5G Wireless Coverage

We’ve all been hearing a lot about 5G technology with the launch of new phones and devices harnessing 5G network capabilities. But with this new wireless network comes a lot of consumer confusion. One area of confusion is that 5G was released in three different versions, which are: 

  • High band 
  • Mid band 
  • Low band

Furthermore, each version is equipped with its own set of unique features. Combined, these spectrums deliver 5G service, but with varying speeds and ranges. 

So, what is 5G, and what exactly sets the three spectrums apart? 

What is 5G? 

5G is the fifth-generation mobile network, following the heels of 4G and 4G LTE. The four major cellular phone companies began deploying 5G speeds worldwide in 2019, offering very low latency and increased bandwidth. 5G is connecting everyone and everything and will impact virtually every industry and may even create entirely new ones. We’re just getting a taste of what 5G has to offer, but the bigger innovations will arrive in the next few years. When they do and you’re in search of hard-to-find electronic parts in Boca Raton, we’ll be sure to have what you need. 

Low Band Spectrum

Low band 5G is considered the standard level, as it covers a lot of distance. For example, one low-band tower covers hundreds of square miles. As a result, it can provide coverage for both rural and metropolitan areas. Low band 5G is about 20% faster than 4G LTE, and was first offered by major U.S. wireless company, AT&T. Currently, it’s also offered by T-Mobile. 

Mid Band Spectrum 

Mid band 5G is about six times faster than 4G LTE but is less widely available than low band. One tower can provide service to several square miles. Currently, it mostly sees coverage in metropolitan areas in the U.S., but some countries (China and South Korea) and wireless providers (Sprint), have skipped low band altogether and are offering mid-band 5G. Even though it provides service in fewer areas, mid-band data speeds are much higher. Sprint was the first major wireless carrier to offer mid-band 5G, but they may soon merge with T-Mobile to combine their low and mid-band networks. 

High Band Spectrum 

High band 5G has extremely low latency, meaning individual messages are transmitted almost immediately. And it’s said to be about 10 times faster than 4G LTE. Devices with high band 5G capability can operate and transfer data faster, offering quicker downloads and stronger communications. Unfortunately, high band 5G towers cover a very short distance – at the most, one tower can cover just over one mile. With the exclusion of densely populated areas and performance arenas, like convention centers, you may need to stand right next to a tower to harness high bang 5G capabilities. 5G is currently being used to power vehicle-to-everything technology, working to develop smart cities, and making remote health care more efficient. 

Stay up to date with everything 5G and discover hard-to-find electronic parts in Boca Raton with our 5G and wireless technology newsletter. If you want to know exactly where 5G is available, review the 5G coverage maps (https://www.5gpartsprocurement.com/where-is-5g-available/). 

Contact 5G Parts Procurement 

Are you looking for hard-to-find electronic parts and components in Boca Raton? Contact (https://www.5gpartsprocurement.com/contact/) 5G Parts Procurement, and our part finders will help you locate whatever parts you need and ship them to you. Let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll contact you in 24 hours or less! Contact us today to get started!