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Why Are Electronic Parts So Difficult To Find?

Why Are Electronic Parts So Difficult To Find?

Why Are Electronic Parts So Difficult To Find?

When people need parts for their electronics, they usually find it challenging. In general, components are difficult to come across, particularly if you are searching for high-quality. Hard to find electronic parts also affect businesses. When businesses are unable to find components, this can significantly slow down their production process.  

There are many reasons why parts have become so difficult to find and only one truly effective solution: work with a trustworthy electronic component’s distributor, like 5g Parts Procurement. A reliable distributor generally has the connections, knowledge, and experience to source quality parts, making it easier for businesses and individuals to find rare and obsolete components when they need them.

If you have ever wondered why it has become difficult to find parts, read on, where we explain the industry’s current challenges and how our team can help. 

Rapid Technologic Advancements

Technology has always moved rapidly, but never as quickly as in recent years. This is probably why the 21st century is considered “the era of science.” The latest advancements in technology have many benefits (more effective communication solutions, better manufacturing techniques, and less waste, to name a few) and one obvious downside: parts become obsolete more quickly. Of course, there are other downsides, but that is a topic for another day. 

As electronic components are constantly being produced, the older model gets replaced. Old components do not get integrated into the market but are completely pushed out. These new innovations have led to products having shorter lifecycles. In general, products have four stages in their lifecycle and each stage gets reduced with new advancements in technology. These stages are: 

  1. Introduction: as the name implies, the product is introduced to the market, where developers gauge whether it will fail or succeed.
  2. Growth: if the product is a success within the market, developers shift their initiative towards marketing the product as a must-have innovation within its niche.
  3. Maturity: when the product is accepted, competitors will adopt this technology, creating new versions and sometimes improved versions of it.
  4. Decline: demand for the product declines and developers come up with a new solution. 

In just a few years after a product is introduced to the market, components will start to fail and the product loses its value. When the efficiency of a component in “the hottest smartphone” declines, manufacturers have already begun the research and development phase to replace “the hottest smartphone,” as the market demands new innovations. As a result, you will have difficulty replacing the failed component because it is no longer being developed.

Shortage In Electronic Parts

Because products now have shorter lifecycles, it may come as no surprise that there is a shortage of parts. Several different markets utilize electronic components and many of the largest companies want their industry to be the leaders in the latest advancements. More components are being phased out of the markets as suppliers grapple to meet this growing demand while at the same time, avoiding inventory surplus. In addition to this, there are emerging industries that require newer, more advanced parts, which means the old parts are getting discontinued. The results in a shortage of components across the board.

Work With A Reliable Distributor

Don’t expect a change anytime soon – if at all. Advancements in technology will never slow down, as companies must continue to create new, better parts to remain competitive. Again, the only solution to this dilemma is to find a trustworthy distributor that specializes in finding obsolete and outdated parts. The team at 5G Parts Procurement can help businesses find the parts they are looking for. This is not an easy task and many distributors will not succeed at finding components that are difficult to find. We have the knowledge and industry connections to get the job done. We understand the importance of businesses finding an exact replacement and we will work diligently to find a high-quality replacement for your product.

Contact 5G Parts Procurement

We have a large inventory of the hottest and most in-demand 5g electronic components. View our list of electronic parts numbers to find out if we have what you are looking for. Whenever you need components and parts, our part finders will help you locate your part and ship it to you. Get started today. For hard-to-find electronic parts, contact 5g Parts Procurement. Fill out our form or call today at (800) 226-6960.